Your are invited to
The Building a Better Business Webinar

Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 9am

Did you know that 80% of businesses fail in their first 5 years? Can recession, political turbulence, or even the global pandemic be solely blamed? The answer is no, they cannot. Instead, this demise can be attributed to various financial risks that business owners neglect to address.

Most people establish their own businesses to achieve freedom, pursue a passion or to receive the income they feel they deserve, but how many achieve that success? Why do such a large percentage of business owners shirk away from their finances, when understanding and conquering these risks is fundamental to their future? And can you imagine the personal impact that could have on you?

As humans, we have an instinctive urge to hide from the unknown; however, as business owners, the unknown is thrust upon us every day! Running your own company brings with it an abundance of complex obstacles that you are expected to understand; however, you often receive very little support to enable you to successfully do this, especially with regards to your money, which is such a fundamental part of business.

When it comes to the financial side of your business, hiding from your problems could lead to its demise, whether that is you not realising the true worth of your efforts, or you having to work longer and harder than you should. So, what should you be considering?

Chartered Financial Planner, Charlie Reading of Efficient Portfolio, and Chartered Accountant, Wayne Searle of ESP Business Solutions, have joined forces to bring you the ‘Building a Better Business Webinar’: A free, interactive talk that will give you the crucial steps all business owners need to take to achieve clarity, confidence and certainty over their finances.

About The SPEAKERs

Charlie Reading APFS, Chartered Financial Planner

Charlie founded and runs Chartered Independent Financial Planners, Efficient Portfolio, who help clients to gain clear insight and clarity over their financial futures. The firm have extensive knowledge of how to help business owners and individuals can protect and maximise their capital, and ensure that they can take their money in the most tax efficient ways.

In his talk, Charlie will show you how careful and considered financial planning can help you to create a robust strategy for the future, which enables you to get your money working harder, maximises your assets and protects what is most important to you and your family.

Wayne Searle, Chartered Accountant

Wayne is a Chartered Accountant who runs ESP Business Solutions. Wayne and his team apply their business and financial expertise to help owner managers build a better business and achieve what they want from life.

The ESP approach starts with getting the basics right: accounting systems that support the business. Once the systems are in place and working, the Building a Better Business process is next.

In his talk, Wayne will take you through the 10 steps he believes every owner managed business, regardless of size, should implement to get more from their business. This begins with getting clear on exactly what you want and ends with focussing on your own happiness and wellbeing.

Expect to have your thinking on how you run your business challenged but don’t expect any magic bullets. This is a down to earth approach with practical thoughts on things you can do to improve your business while fully acknowledging that there is no substitute for working hard on the right things.

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